I was inspired by a blog I follow to make a bucket list of my own. I kept some things she put, because I would like to do them, and added in things I thought of. So here it is! (I made this a while ago, and since then have completed some of them! Guess that means I will have to think of more to add!)
1.Learn to speak a foreign language
2.Tell someone the story of my life, sparing no details. [Or write it down for someone to read]
3.Send a message in a bottle.
4.Learn to play Piano.
5.Sleep under the stars.
6.Sell my first book to a stranger.
7.Be on NY Times Best Selling list.
8.Read the entire Bible.
9.Go on a road trip.
10.Know multiple Bible verses off the top of my head.
11.Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring.
12.Go to Harry Potter Theme Park.
13.Visit every state in the US.
14.Make a difference in a stranger’s life.
15.Get off anti depressants for good. 2013
16.Have a poem I wrote published.
17.Get married.
18.Go a week without complaining
19.Spend an entire day doing nothing but relaxing (no worrying allowed!)
20.Meet a celebrity.
21.Be able to recite every line to a movie.
22.Go on a missionary trip.
23.Recite movie quotes for an entire conversation and make someone smile because of it.
24.Sweep a guy off his feet.
25.Plant a tree.
26.Scream at the top of my lungs.
27.Tell a not related to me soldier how much I appreciate them.
28.Forgive those that have hurt me.
29.Throw a surprise party for a friend.
30.Pay for someone’s coffee or meal anonymously.
31.Compliment a stranger randomly.
32.Give up Facebook for a month.
33.Take a cruise.
34.Fly first class.
35.Shoot a gun.
36.Learn how to play the guitar.
37.Sing Karaoke. 2012
38.Get flowers for no reason.
39.Send someone flowers for no reason.
40.Have my picture in the newspaper.
41.Receive a love letter.
42.Watch every Star Wars movie.
43.Turn off my phone for a week.
44.Go to a bedding store in my pjs. Slippers and all.
45.Watch the sunrise and set. All in the same day.
46.Learn to snowboard.
47.Run in a marathon
48.Shake hands with someone who has truly changed the world.
49.Be an extra in a film.
50.Get kissed in the pouring rain.
51.Spend two weeks in a cabin with no outside connection (phone, internet, etc) just talking to God.
52.Sit on a jury.
53.Reach highest level on WoW (yep, I’m a nerd).
54.Learn classic ballroom dances.
55.Go to Ireland.
56.Walk on the Great Wall of China.
57.Dance around the grocery store while shopping.
58.Make a difference to a family member.
59.Meet one of my favorite authors.
60.Knit a baby blanket.
61.Donate a large chunk of money to my favorite charity.
62.Learn martial arts.
63.Cry my heart out for no reason.
64.Rescue a stray animal.
65.Do Tai Chi on the beach.
66.Take singing lessons.
67.Play and/or sing in front of an audience.
68.Fall apart and pull myself together.
69.Take a taxi.
70.Have stitches.
71.Break a bone.
72.Be in a play.
73.Write a song.
74.Give up sugar for at least 3 months.
75.Wear red cat eye glasses.
76.Go to a costume party.
77.Wish on a shooting star.
78.Spontaniously drive for a few days without packing anything.
79.Have my own family.
80.Get my GED.
81.Go to a pro sports game.
82.Get told I’m beautiful by a random stranger.
83.Stay at a spa.
84.Make a difference to my community.
85.Wake up to flowers on my bedside table.
86.Grow my hair to my butt.
87.See Niagra Falls.
88.Read all of the books on the BBC book list.
89.Live on a farm.
90.Buy a car.
91.Look into the mirror and be happy with what I see.
92.Dip my toes in the Gulf of Mexico.
93.Own a horse.
94.Learn how to horseback ride.
95.Milk a cow.
96.Ride a gondola.
97.Learn to speak Gaelic.
98.Learn the Irish Jig.
99.Make a youtube video.
100.Meet Shane Dawson.
101.Write one million words in a year.
102.Submit something I wrote.
103.Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find.
104.Attend a film festival.
2.Tell someone the story of my life, sparing no details. [Or write it down for someone to read]
3.Send a message in a bottle.
4.Learn to play Piano.
5.Sleep under the stars.
6.Sell my first book to a stranger.
7.Be on NY Times Best Selling list.
8.Read the entire Bible.
9.Go on a road trip.
10.Know multiple Bible verses off the top of my head.
11.Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring.
12.Go to Harry Potter Theme Park.
13.Visit every state in the US.
14.Make a difference in a stranger’s life.
16.Have a poem I wrote published.
17.Get married.
18.Go a week without complaining
19.Spend an entire day doing nothing but relaxing (no worrying allowed!)
20.Meet a celebrity.
21.Be able to recite every line to a movie.
22.Go on a missionary trip.
23.Recite movie quotes for an entire conversation and make someone smile because of it.
24.Sweep a guy off his feet.
25.Plant a tree.
26.Scream at the top of my lungs.
27.Tell a not related to me soldier how much I appreciate them.
29.Throw a surprise party for a friend.
32.Give up Facebook for a month.
33.Take a cruise.
34.Fly first class.
35.Shoot a gun.
36.Learn how to play the guitar.
38.Get flowers for no reason.
39.Send someone flowers for no reason.
40.Have my picture in the newspaper.
41.Receive a love letter.
43.Turn off my phone for a week.
44.Go to a bedding store in my pjs. Slippers and all.
45.Watch the sunrise and set. All in the same day.
46.Learn to snowboard.
47.Run in a marathon
48.Shake hands with someone who has truly changed the world.
49.Be an extra in a film.
51.Spend two weeks in a cabin with no outside connection (phone, internet, etc) just talking to God.
52.Sit on a jury.
53.Reach highest level on WoW (yep, I’m a nerd).
54.Learn classic ballroom dances.
55.Go to Ireland.
56.Walk on the Great Wall of China.
58.Make a difference to a family member.
60.Knit a baby blanket.
61.Donate a large chunk of money to my favorite charity.
62.Learn martial arts.
64.Rescue a stray animal.
65.Do Tai Chi on the beach.
66.Take singing lessons.
67.Play and/or sing in front of an audience.
72.Be in a play.
74.Give up sugar for at least 3 months.
75.Wear red cat eye glasses.
78.Spontaniously drive for a few days without packing anything.
79.Have my own family.
81.Go to a pro sports game.
83.Stay at a spa.
84.Make a difference to my community.
85.Wake up to flowers on my bedside table.
86.Grow my hair to my butt.
87.See Niagra Falls.
88.Read all of the books on the BBC book list.
89.Live on a farm.
90.Buy a car.
91.Look into the mirror and be happy with what I see.
92.Dip my toes in the Gulf of Mexico.
93.Own a horse.
94.Learn how to horseback ride.
95.Milk a cow.
96.Ride a gondola.
97.Learn to speak Gaelic.
98.Learn the Irish Jig.
99.Make a youtube video.
100.Meet Shane Dawson.
101.Write one million words in a year.
102.Submit something I wrote.
103.Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find.
104.Attend a film festival.
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